Rhino Development Team s potěšením oznamuje zahájení veřejného vývoje Rhina 5.0.
Zahajujeme veřejný vývoj Rhina 5.0 - (Rhinoceros) - Rhino 3D TīmeklisRhino 5 for Windows Language Pack - interface and documentation For Mac Complete install Rhino 7 for Mac - One-Time Evaluation - Try this full version for 90 days. There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size beyond those of your hardware. Rhinoceros can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS* curves, surfaces, and solids, point clouds, and polygon meshes.
Title: Rhinoceros 5.5.1 Mac Info: Rhinoceros – Versatile 3D modeler.
Rhino - Download - Rhino 5 for Windows - Rhinoceros 3D