You will need to disconnect from the arma 3 server, from there you need to have your name ingame different from the one in teamspeak. Teamspeak 3 keeps screaming "Error" at me. All you would have to do at that point is click "subscribe" on the workshop page again. This will not reset your teamspeak setup, this will only remove the task force radio files loaded by arma 3. Then you may need to "unsubscribe and delete local files" for the TFR addon. If the addon does nothing but flash the green bar for a moment. Open the arma 3 launcher, click the addon. TFR Has all of a sudden become corrupt in the launcher? (Without a shortcut you will need to search it in your taskbar, right click the icon in the task bar then open file location). Navigate to your teamspeak 3 client shortcut on your desktop.Īnd continue with the next steps in the rest of the guide. Not able to find your teamspeak 3 client directory in program files? You may encounter errors when tring to set this up. In order to check if it is, you should see the version number there.